I dont know why but this bombay blast has affected me in a big way. More then i would have thought. And not just me everywhere around me i see ppl talking about it. There is a kind of sadness ,depression and frustration in there tone which is very hard to ignore.
May be its because everyone is thinking what wrong they have done to be treated like this.
What wrong did the people who died in Taj firing have done to anyone of us to be killed in such a pathetic way. And why am i affected by it. I dint even knew them.
Its the frustration of not being able to do anything which is killing people in there heart. These terrorist are hitting us left right center and we are sitting ducks. No one is sure whether he will survive the following day and moreover the big question which everyone is thinking is why me?
what wrong have i done? what can i do to stop myself from getting killed like like i dont have word for it.
Yesterday one of my fathers friend came to my house and within few minutes mumbai was hot again in my house. He was all for killing all muslims and how they are taking charge of the world .
Its not like he favours hindus more and has got any personal issues with muslims but what he said had a point that all the terrorist activites being organised all around the world are in some way or other related to muslims. I agree with the point but not with the view.
May be the best of the terrorist belong to muslims but we have no right to say that because of this all muslims are destined to be killed.
Its againg the frustration which was coming out as hard words from my uncle's mouth.
I think its high time that we start taking this terrorism issue seriously .
Its bigger then ever. And we need to understand its not religion which is feeding it. Its not one tribe of people who are doing it. It is all of us who are giving stronhold to it.
We guys need to understand the terrorist activities which we are seeing now days are so well organised that none of the leading person who are doing it can be religious fanatic. He has to be a person or a group of people with IQ equivalent to that of Einstien. It seems more like an attempt to crumble the social and commerce structure of our nation.
Our polticians have to think it more in a logical way then the emotions let them drive it. And why polticians they are the people for whom we all have something bad to say. So the ultimate responsibility again comes on to the shoulders of the common man.
Coming back to the orignal question of what we can do , i think i have some answers to it.
First thing applicable to all indians, stop thinking in terms of religion. what u do in ur house could be ur private affair. U worship jeasus or krishna or allah. No one hardly cares. But what u do outside everyone sees it and affects them. So when we are discussing or deciding anything in terms of nation or society please keep ur religion and creed in some bag and lock it.
Second thing which we should all do is practice our rights. Please we are a young nation . We got potiential higher then ever. Guys start practising all ur rights, like right to vote. Please do vote and dont vote because following candidate is from ur religion or ur family has been voting for following party for so long. Think before u act. Vote for a guy who can do good for nation and in turn for you. Keep yourself away from people who do the poltics of vote.
Third start following rules. Even a simple dicipline like not crossing Red lights count.
Remember one thing every single person in this world is role model for someone else in this world. dont let the person down just for your fun.
I know these things sound very trivial and illogical but they can help us in long way.
If we really want that our children should not suffer the way we are we will have to act now.
We are Indians, India is the only religion which we follow.
if we can understand this much i think we will take a big leap in understanding the current issue better and how to solve it. But lets start raising our voices now.