Monday, June 27, 2016

Lets Define Friend Relation (Unstructured Thoughts)

Guys lets try and define relations today.

Throughout our life we are guided by relations and how a certain relation will pan out for you is more less pre-defined.

When we enter this world we are handed over a bag full of relations and most of our life, till we die and enter valhalla and enjoy the afterlife, these relations stay with us.

But what is a relation?

Is it a standard or mandate which dictates what are going to be our rules of engagement with other person. For example with parents its guidance and love, with nephews it competition and fight and so on. Is it that each relation comes with its own set of Do's and Don'ts which we keep on following religiously.

If it's so what are the rules of engagement with new people. People who does not fall in any predefined relationship catalogue.

A simple answer to this question could be we call them "Friends". This is a most abused word in human relationship as far as i know. We have so many categories of friends that we don't even know what it actually means. We have school friends, casual friends, Good friends, Best friends, More than Friends and god forbid what not.

I do not agree with these norms and that where my issue starts.

I am a firm believer of a fact that throughout our life based on our interactions with people dynamics between us keep on changing. Thus you cannot contain a relation in its strict form guarded by mandate written in ink.

Concentrating only on relation called "Friends", its the purest form of no expectation attached relation. When you are trying to know a person without having any expectation or obligation of placing him/her in a predefined container thats when you have a Friend Relation with someone.

We can also say it's the starting stage of any new relation which after few interactions takes a definite shape and is deemed ready for categorization.

Said that does this means every "Friend Relation"needs to get a name at some stage in its lifecycle.

I would again differ. The beauty of this relation is it can work as a placeholder for any relation without displacing the original relation from your life.

I have seen people eager to categorize their Friend Relation soon and if they are not able to find a place for it or if  the place they want it to be in is already occupied the life comes to a stop.

People need to understand we as human are not without faults. If in our jobs a single person cannot perform all the responsibilities alligned to his role than how can a single relation can provide emotional, physical, financial support which comes as a mandate attached with that relation.

If that's so and if in our jobs we solve this issue by asking for core competency in single person but rest can be performed by extended team why can't we do that in relation.

I know its bit far fetched but its practical. Am also not saying we should start neglecting our existing relations and start finding solace in new ones. What am trying to say we should not be afraid of sharing the non core functions of a relation with our extending team which happens to be our friends.

 To sum it up what i would say is Friends are the chosen ones which we get in our life to steer us from the harms and unseen conditions. They are the only people who wont judge you even if you have said or asked them the most irrational, illogical going nuts question , advice or favor.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

A little Sad Story - Teaser

It was D's first day on Job. A fresh MBA graduate ready to change the world with fresh ideas and Strong faith in himself. Things could not have been better. He was campus recruited and was among the few who have been given opportunity to work for an organisation which was responsible for preparing his nation for changes happening around the globe and positioning the nation as a leader looked up and respected by rest of the world. Vision of organisation was in complete sync with the vision of government and nation. 

D has always been entrepreneurial. New thoughts, business ideas were second nature to him. This was the golden opportunity which he had been searching for his entire professional career. 

Nobody could stop him now. 

D has never felt so happy.

With Spring in his stride D reported to his Manager M on first day. 

M assigned D his first big task, the only task for the day. D's first step towards realising his dream of giving shape to his ideas.

D was to make 100 copies of a document for a seminar planned for next day.

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