Anyways so now as am sitting idle i thought of doing something for which i was trying to find out time but was not able to.
I started fiddling around with Android.
Android is a new mobile OS stack launched by Google with its partnership with a new company also named as Android . I hope i have got the facts right here.
Its supposed to be open source and the next best thing which could have happened to the mobile device develpoment.
so, as mobiles are what are giving me bread and butter and google is what i think is my alma meter i thought why not give it a look . and here is what my first impressions says about it.
Android is here to stay. It seems to have everything which me as a developer would like to have in a mobile OS. It is open source if you know what it mean, it treats all the applications no matter whether they are system applications or the third party applications equal. It has got its own security sand box model which will never allow you to do fishy things with the system even on being treated egqual to system applications.
Android seems to have incorporated a lot of things from the wide number of mobile OS available in the market. It has taken all the good things of them , have put some good things of its own , and has still left it open for further improovement.
what else would you want from google. The sdk support from googel itself is great. the only thing which i found quite irritating is the kind of documentation they have done.
As the development for android is done in java, and java is the most widely used language nowdays so everyone is under impression that developing for android would be a cake walk. but its not so. Because on the very first hand they have introduced so many new apis that one get boggled by the way applications are getting created in it. they have also drifted away from the traditional way of coding in java which i found quite complex at first glance but as i started getting hang of it i came to a conclusion that they have done it for the better.
Designing UI is what seems to be the biggest challange for all mobile developers till now , and on this front all points goes to the Android. Their XML layout based approach is going to sweep the market like anything.
Switching of displays is also very easy in it as you just have to change the layout and its done.
The look and feel of UI and the way events are handled in it is awesome . Also its going to give IPHONE a run for its money in the way applicaitons come and go. it seems so seemless.
So this was my first feel of Android not much techie just an overview. will be discussing it more in coming days . here are few pics of what i developed.

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