The highest point of ignorance, is you are supposed to marry a person whose kundli matches with you.When a persons kundli matches with other persons kundli , and the families are ok with them getting married , then only the to be bried and groom are allowed to meet each other that too inthe presence of others. The only first time these bride and groom talk to each other as people is after getting married. And if after all this if the marriage does not survives its the sole responsibility of these two people who got married.
To those who arrived late kundlis are the parchment of paper which a pandit makes at the birth of child according to the planetry positions,the date and time of birth. There are some characterstics defined in this kudli along with dosh or the defects like sarpdosh,mangaldosh, kaldosh etc etc.
These points are taken in consideration when someone is getting married or is about take some very important decision.
So much for the indian mythology.
Dont get me wrong. All this which i stated above is vaild and true to an extent. But the only issue with indian society is they take everything on face value and refuses to see the intellectual and the practical side of the ritual and traditions which have been followed till now.
When indian society was under construction if you allow me to say that there were hardly any educated people around. there used to be alot of things which were getting hard for the intellectuals and the informative people to tell to everyone.
so they took the easy way out . They started getting these traditions into the daily practicse of the people without letting them know why they are doing it.
for example prohibition of ladies from going into kitchen when they are in periods.
It was very difficult to tell the ignorant one what the mensuration cycle is why it happens and what precautions have to be taken. It was too complex for them. But along with this it was also important to take care of this situation and control it before it gets out of control. The personal hygiene and proper rest of the woman under going mensuration cycle was the top priorty in the mind of the intellectuals. So they made this tradition so that woman can get some rest also and can have proper hygiene. But with time it became a curse for woman and they started treating periods as very bad thing and still they are not over it.
Same is with kundli milan. Earlier when there was not so freedom of intermixing of opposite sex, getting them married and keep that marriage healthy was a very tidious task. So to overcome that a bit of study was done and characterstics were defined for people taking birth under certain conditions. A match of those conditions was a sound formulae for getting married. So it was done for the benefit of people. But with time as the intellects never bothered to tell the scientific reason behind matching these kundlis and the proper way to do it, it also become one of the most followed tradition without any knowledge and now its on the way of becoming a curse for the new indian generation.
There are lots and lots of other traditions which are just followed for the sake of just being dragged. I do so because my forefather used to do so is the common thinking of normal indian. Anyone who tries to rationalise is thought as a rebel and is outcasted.
Am also posting some very useful links here related to indian myths, kunli milan and manglik dosh and facts.
But most important is this picture which am going to put here. Our so called pandits who match kundlis have seem to miss this chapetr while studying all the jyotish and astrology.

Dude, I do not agree with your point of view that the earlier generations of ours, who created these rules, were illiterate. You know the reasons for creating these customs, and those are the ones which they had in mind when the rules were constituted.
And if they were illiterate and un-intellectual, who wrote Geeta, Vedas and stuff...
I am open to any debate on this.
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Vivah gun milan is made essential in Hindu society for a better and happy life ahead.According to Indian astrology, the marriage is the most special and pleasures day of everyone's life. So it is become very compulsory to do it with a perfect girl or boy after checking the result of Vivah gun milan.
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