Monday, December 01, 2008
what can we do....wake up india
May be its because everyone is thinking what wrong they have done to be treated like this.
What wrong did the people who died in Taj firing have done to anyone of us to be killed in such a pathetic way. And why am i affected by it. I dint even knew them.
Its the frustration of not being able to do anything which is killing people in there heart. These terrorist are hitting us left right center and we are sitting ducks. No one is sure whether he will survive the following day and moreover the big question which everyone is thinking is why me?
what wrong have i done? what can i do to stop myself from getting killed like like i dont have word for it.
Yesterday one of my fathers friend came to my house and within few minutes mumbai was hot again in my house. He was all for killing all muslims and how they are taking charge of the world .
Its not like he favours hindus more and has got any personal issues with muslims but what he said had a point that all the terrorist activites being organised all around the world are in some way or other related to muslims. I agree with the point but not with the view.
May be the best of the terrorist belong to muslims but we have no right to say that because of this all muslims are destined to be killed.
Its againg the frustration which was coming out as hard words from my uncle's mouth.
I think its high time that we start taking this terrorism issue seriously .
Its bigger then ever. And we need to understand its not religion which is feeding it. Its not one tribe of people who are doing it. It is all of us who are giving stronhold to it.
We guys need to understand the terrorist activities which we are seeing now days are so well organised that none of the leading person who are doing it can be religious fanatic. He has to be a person or a group of people with IQ equivalent to that of Einstien. It seems more like an attempt to crumble the social and commerce structure of our nation.
Our polticians have to think it more in a logical way then the emotions let them drive it. And why polticians they are the people for whom we all have something bad to say. So the ultimate responsibility again comes on to the shoulders of the common man.
Coming back to the orignal question of what we can do , i think i have some answers to it.
First thing applicable to all indians, stop thinking in terms of religion. what u do in ur house could be ur private affair. U worship jeasus or krishna or allah. No one hardly cares. But what u do outside everyone sees it and affects them. So when we are discussing or deciding anything in terms of nation or society please keep ur religion and creed in some bag and lock it.
Second thing which we should all do is practice our rights. Please we are a young nation . We got potiential higher then ever. Guys start practising all ur rights, like right to vote. Please do vote and dont vote because following candidate is from ur religion or ur family has been voting for following party for so long. Think before u act. Vote for a guy who can do good for nation and in turn for you. Keep yourself away from people who do the poltics of vote.
Third start following rules. Even a simple dicipline like not crossing Red lights count.
Remember one thing every single person in this world is role model for someone else in this world. dont let the person down just for your fun.
I know these things sound very trivial and illogical but they can help us in long way.
If we really want that our children should not suffer the way we are we will have to act now.
We are Indians, India is the only religion which we follow.
if we can understand this much i think we will take a big leap in understanding the current issue better and how to solve it. But lets start raising our voices now.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Blast From Past
We hear ppl keep saying that what u do or give to society it comes back to you. You reap only what u sow and blah blah blah. The point is a man's doing cant go unnoticed. At some point they come back to him and with all the interest accumulated from the date the doing was done.
And the fact is true for any small thing one does or for any big mistake he commits.
I have noticed it myself number of times in my daily life. Every event which is happening in present in my life is kind of a payback for an action done by me in my past.( I think this Jim Butcher guy is getting on me. I have started writing like him now.)
Anyways as i say this was the right time for this post taking from the very recent example of mumbai, if we look in past this was coming. The bomb blasts in jaipur then in C.P(delhi) and many more places in very short span of time in the past were the fore warning kind of things which if we have paid any heed could have led us to stop what happened in mumbai.
I like what all polticians are saying that we should stay calm and united in this time of crisis. And we are indians and we can give life for our nation , then all other countries condeming the attack on democracy in india and all that , but one logical thing is why to let such things happen.
Following the same lines i also fail to understand why these news channel keep flashing the latest resuce activities with video coverage of whats going at the site of panic. God why dont they understand is what they feed is visible to all including the terrorist.
Todays terrorist are not those big beard nomad type of people. They are planners who come equipped with latest technologies. And such feeds from news channel help the terrorist only. NO ONE ELSE.
I have tried conveying this message to some news channels but none of them paid heed to it. May be they pay more attention to TRPs like our polticians pay more attentions to vote then to voters. So much for one india, one thinking.
I really feel bad for those officiers who died in the line of duty ,believing this will do for their country but such nonsense activites from our polticians side and from news channels make the life giving efforts of our officers go in vain.
If we guys really want to help our country and want to stop all this nonsense, i think we have to see these terrorist activites from new perspective.
First thing which we should understand along with our good polticians is that terrorist dont have any religion. They are not hindu muslim or any thing else they are just terrorists.
They are trained to do these activites so its a kind of their job like my job is to make softwares.
The bodies trainging them and controlling these terrorist are the one who are culprits. And mind me these bodies are no small time gangs. They containg people with IQ level of einstien. So we need to target these people and for that we need to stop thinking in terms of religions and India and pakistan , and start thinking in terms of what is good for world and what is not.
There is so less love in world lets try to preserve it. Not spoil it by aimless hate.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
sorry forgot to put the links in:
kundli milan : mangalik dosh : facts and myths
The highest point of ignorance, is you are supposed to marry a person whose kundli matches with you.When a persons kundli matches with other persons kundli , and the families are ok with them getting married , then only the to be bried and groom are allowed to meet each other that too inthe presence of others. The only first time these bride and groom talk to each other as people is after getting married. And if after all this if the marriage does not survives its the sole responsibility of these two people who got married.
To those who arrived late kundlis are the parchment of paper which a pandit makes at the birth of child according to the planetry positions,the date and time of birth. There are some characterstics defined in this kudli along with dosh or the defects like sarpdosh,mangaldosh, kaldosh etc etc.
These points are taken in consideration when someone is getting married or is about take some very important decision.
So much for the indian mythology.
Dont get me wrong. All this which i stated above is vaild and true to an extent. But the only issue with indian society is they take everything on face value and refuses to see the intellectual and the practical side of the ritual and traditions which have been followed till now.
When indian society was under construction if you allow me to say that there were hardly any educated people around. there used to be alot of things which were getting hard for the intellectuals and the informative people to tell to everyone.
so they took the easy way out . They started getting these traditions into the daily practicse of the people without letting them know why they are doing it.
for example prohibition of ladies from going into kitchen when they are in periods.
It was very difficult to tell the ignorant one what the mensuration cycle is why it happens and what precautions have to be taken. It was too complex for them. But along with this it was also important to take care of this situation and control it before it gets out of control. The personal hygiene and proper rest of the woman under going mensuration cycle was the top priorty in the mind of the intellectuals. So they made this tradition so that woman can get some rest also and can have proper hygiene. But with time it became a curse for woman and they started treating periods as very bad thing and still they are not over it.
Same is with kundli milan. Earlier when there was not so freedom of intermixing of opposite sex, getting them married and keep that marriage healthy was a very tidious task. So to overcome that a bit of study was done and characterstics were defined for people taking birth under certain conditions. A match of those conditions was a sound formulae for getting married. So it was done for the benefit of people. But with time as the intellects never bothered to tell the scientific reason behind matching these kundlis and the proper way to do it, it also become one of the most followed tradition without any knowledge and now its on the way of becoming a curse for the new indian generation.
There are lots and lots of other traditions which are just followed for the sake of just being dragged. I do so because my forefather used to do so is the common thinking of normal indian. Anyone who tries to rationalise is thought as a rebel and is outcasted.
Am also posting some very useful links here related to indian myths, kunli milan and manglik dosh and facts.
But most important is this picture which am going to put here. Our so called pandits who match kundlis have seem to miss this chapetr while studying all the jyotish and astrology.

Indian Caste System : facts ,myths and reforms : an insight
Now when i have started understanding the basics of this caste system , I have come to know a shocking truth. This caste system which was made in very early days was for the benifit of the indian society. But just because of few greedy and selfish people it has become an epidemic for indian society.
Before i move forward , i would like to tell that i myself am a brahmin boy by the caste.
Here i will be putting some facts and information gathered from various resources :
"Any religion that refuses to reform with the times will be relegated to oblivion and insignificance. We have classic examples of this natural phenomenon in India itself in Buddhism and Jainism. A simple and clear reform, not affecting the basic nature, is the need of the hour if Hinduism is to find its place as one of the best ways of life in twenty first century."
A clear mismatch exists between the classical four tier Caste system mentioned in the scriptures and the present day Hindu society. We find thousands of castes and sub-castes instead of a clear cut division into four. Across India, we find only the Brahmins having some similarity but other groups are let to choose their Castes according to the political and economic clouts.
For example, in Kerala, no one knows who are the Kshatriyas, Vysyas and Sudras. We have always considered Namboothiris to be the Brahmins in Kerala but there have never been a consensus on the other three castes. Other categories of people like Nairs, Ezhavas, Thiyas, Parayas, Pulayas etc. etc. have been classified under various castes in various times according to different scholars. The situation is very much similar in other states as well.
I strongly feel that we can positively utilize this mismatch between the classical four tier Caste system and the hundreds of castes that exist now. It is possible that we are confused between Gothras and Castes. All these present day categories like Jats, Rajputs, Nairs etc., etc., are essentially Gothras and are akin to the tribes in Africa and Arabia. Even if some scholars feel otherwise, I feel a lot of our problems can be solved if we define it that way. The present day names can continue as such provided they are considered as Gothras (or some other new name) instead of Castes. At one stroke, we can continue with the present naming systems and social groupings but can do away with the Caste problems.
Since the four tier system is referred in our scriptures at various places and cannot be undone or wished away, all that is required is a different way of looking at the Caste system. I propose a system in which all of us Hindus live through the Sudra, Kshatriya, Vysya and Brahmin Castes as different stages in our lives.
If one goes back to the origins of Caste system, it is nothing but a scientific and systematic structuring of the then society according to the tastes and talents of the people. The hereditary principle which created bad blood in later years is nothing but a clever move on the part of Brahmins to keep the power within their kith and kin. We find this no longer valid and practical. Most children of Brahmin parents do not study scriptures, do not practice rituals and do not live like Brahmins. So how can they continue to ‘enjoy’ and monopolize Brahminhood? Similar is the case with all other castes, as they are classified now.
In the classical definition of Caste System, the different qualities attributed are as follows :
Brahmin – Learned & Spiritual
Kshatriya – Strong & Fighting
Vysya - Intelligent & Creates Wealth
Sudra – Average & Assists all others
Essentially all of us are Sudras at birth and it is evident from the qualities attributed. It is something like starting on a clean slate. The average age of a human being is now 80 years and it is logical to assume that we exhibit Sudra like qualities until one fourth of our lifetime i.e till the age of 20. In the next phase i.e till the age of 40, we are strong, physically active and exhibit qualities of a Kshatriya. This is the period most of us marry and rear children. Strong and fighting qualities are required to protect the family and feed them. In the next phase i.e 41 to 60, we all become worldly wise and participate in one form or other of wealth creation for the family and society, which makes us good Vysayas. And finally, in the last phase, we tend to concentrate on spiritual activities and get ready to depart. We all try to become ideal Brahmins in the age group above 60.
Thus all of us Hindus, irrespective of our Gothras, pass through the four tier Caste system as envisaged in our scriptures and live an ideal life fulfilling all the necessary conditions required at various phases. It is this minor reinterpretation of the Caste system that will bring about drastic changes in the way Hindu society would think. All that we need is disassociating the classical Caste system from the present arrangement we have.
The distinct advantage of such a reinterpretation of the Caste system is the little or minimum changes that will result in the present social symbols. All the present day laws and rules can continue as such if Caste is replaced by Gothra in the statute. For example, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes will merge and change to Scheduled Gothras. And they can enjoy the same reservations they are entitled to. The bad name attributed to Hinduism on account of the caste discrimination will vanish in one stroke. All present day names and surnames can continue without any change, but no Gothra will be automatically associated with any one of the four castes. This means nobody is a Brahmin or Kshatriya or Vysya or Sudra throughout his or her life. It all depends on age and qualities. In the long run, the bad blood generated so far would fade out and Hindu society would be much more harmonious and stronger.
Success of all this depends on the approval and blessings of the prominent religious leaders and institutions. It would be one of the most popular and progressive decisions anywhere in the world, if one ‘Dharm Sansad’ is called specifically to endorse such a viewpoint and root out causes of caste discrimination once for all from the mind of modern Hindus. It is high time the nationalist and patriotic forces in our country realized the importance of such a reform is equal to that of the Ram temple at Ayodhya, if not more.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
programming android
wont be saying much today. this android thing is literally bogging me down in every way. Each day i learn something new in it with breaking at least on coding convention each day. The UI development in it is so fast that you can show anything as a demo to anyone within few hrs of discussion. Also its expandable ,flexible and you can manuever it in any way. The interaction of ui components with in themself is awesome.
The video speaks for itself. i developed it as a demo for my client with in few days.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
building j2me project with preprocessor blocks in eclipse
But now the big day is here and i have solved this mystery of the millienium( god i like this stuff).
Anyways am trying to get serious here and will be letting you all people know how i did it.
The thing which i was trying to do was , i had a simple code which you can say i had a helloworld program in j2me build perfectly fine in eclipse using the eclipseme plugin, which itself was using wtk kit which i had got already installed on my machine.
Now what i wanted to do was add some preprocessor tags to it and make conditional several builds for different different condition sets in a single build process.
For all those who are new to preprocessing , you can understand it well if you have done a bit of C programming.
What a preprocessor does is that it analysis your code before building , and in return genrates a code according to the conditions defined in it. lets take a example.
This is my file .
public class hello extends MIDlet {
protected void destroyApp(boolean arg0) throws MIDletStateChangeException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
protected void pauseApp() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
protected void startApp() throws MIDletStateChangeException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
System.out.println("BT is supported");
System.out.println("GP is supported");
System.out.println("WMA is supported");
System.out.println("S60 is supported");
As you can see its a very simple midlet which does nothing , just prints out four statements on your console.
Now what i wanted to make seperate build of this code according to the following conditions.
1. BT and GP supported (BT means bluetooth and GP means GPRS)
2. WMA and S60 supported.
I could have done that with conditional if else block and have the code copy and pasted in them but I also wanted to reduce the jar size. That is i wanted my jar to contain only those things which are required. For that we can use preprocessor tags which processes the code before building and comments out anything which does not matches its prescribed criterias. so i put some preprocessor tags in it, and now my code looks like this.
public class hello extends MIDlet {
protected void destroyApp(boolean arg0) throws MIDletStateChangeException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
protected void pauseApp() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
protected void startApp() throws MIDletStateChangeException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//#ifdef BT
System.out.println("BT is supported");
System.out.println("BT is not supported");
//#ifdef GP
System.out.println("GP is supported");
System.out.println("GP is not supported");
//#ifdef WMA
System.out.println("WMA is supported");
System.out.println("WMA is not supported");
//#ifdef S60
System.out.println("S60 is supported");
System.out.println("S60 is not supported");
the "//# if" is known as a preprocessor. it gets processed before the code is build and compiled.
//#ifdef BT
System.out.println("BT is supported");
System.out.println("BT is not supported");
This block means that if the BT is defined then build the if block else comment out the if block and build the else block.
Now this BT can be defined in two ways.
We can put a "// # define BT" at the very beginning of the code like this :
public class hello extends MIDlet {we can also assign some value to it and it will work. so lets first put it that way only. the code will look like this :
//#define BT
//#define GP
//#define WMA
public class hello extends MIDlet {
protected void destroyApp(boolean arg0) throws MIDletStateChangeException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
protected void pauseApp() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
protected void startApp() throws MIDletStateChangeException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//#ifdef BT
System.out.println("BT is supported");
System.out.println("BT is not supported");
//#ifdef GP
System.out.println("GP is supported");
System.out.println("GP is not supported");
//#ifdef WMA
System.out.println("WMA is supported");
System.out.println("WMA is not supported");
//#ifdef S60
System.out.println("S60 is supported");
System.out.println("S60 is not supported");
and after u have build it if you go to your project folder , you can see the processed code in the ".processed folder". The processed code will look like this :
//#define BT
//#define GP
//#define WMA
public class hello extends MIDlet {
protected void destroyApp(boolean arg0) throws MIDletStateChangeException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
protected void pauseApp() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
protected void startApp() throws MIDletStateChangeException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//#ifdef BT
System.out.println("BT is supported");
//@ System.out.println("BT is not supported");
//#ifdef GP
System.out.println("GP is supported");
//@ System.out.println("GP is not supported");
//#ifdef WMA
System.out.println("WMA is supported");
//@ System.out.println("WMA is not supported");
//#ifdef S60
//@ System.out.println("S60 is supported");
System.out.println("S60 is not supported");
You can see that in this processed code everyting is commented out which is not needed or has not been defined. The @ symbol lines are never processed so they never goes into the final build and keeps the jar file light . thats the main crux of using preprocessors. If everything goes fine you will be seeing this output on your console :
Running with storage root DefaultGrayPhone
BT is supported
GP is supported
WMA is supported
S60 is not supported
Execution completed.
703621 bytecodes executed
8 thread switches
740 classes in the system (including system classes)
3601 dynamic objects allocated (100244 bytes)
2 garbage collections (86440 bytes collected)
So much for this preprocessors, so finally we have got it running but this happens to be very crude method and if we happen to be defining preprocessors on the go then we are doomed for it.
The better way to do it is using build.xml and antenna. I will be telling you about it in next post.
Monday, June 30, 2008
down with cold
Feels like my whole world is experincing a gear shift as everything seems to be shaky. I have been down with acute coryza or more commonly known as common cold for last two days, and trust me this is the worst disease of the world. Its so bad that till now there is no concrete medication plan for it. In terms of statistics it comes first overcoming AIDS , Cancer and many other deadly dieseases.
Its so bad that everyday it accounts for many man hours lost all over the world .
There is also a whole website dedicated to it in case if someone of you wants to know more about it.
As far as my cold goes i think i will go back home now and can do with a good herbal tea .
hail sneezers,
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Getting techie :)
Anyways so now as am sitting idle i thought of doing something for which i was trying to find out time but was not able to.
I started fiddling around with Android.
Android is a new mobile OS stack launched by Google with its partnership with a new company also named as Android . I hope i have got the facts right here.
Its supposed to be open source and the next best thing which could have happened to the mobile device develpoment.
so, as mobiles are what are giving me bread and butter and google is what i think is my alma meter i thought why not give it a look . and here is what my first impressions says about it.
Android is here to stay. It seems to have everything which me as a developer would like to have in a mobile OS. It is open source if you know what it mean, it treats all the applications no matter whether they are system applications or the third party applications equal. It has got its own security sand box model which will never allow you to do fishy things with the system even on being treated egqual to system applications.
Android seems to have incorporated a lot of things from the wide number of mobile OS available in the market. It has taken all the good things of them , have put some good things of its own , and has still left it open for further improovement.
what else would you want from google. The sdk support from googel itself is great. the only thing which i found quite irritating is the kind of documentation they have done.
As the development for android is done in java, and java is the most widely used language nowdays so everyone is under impression that developing for android would be a cake walk. but its not so. Because on the very first hand they have introduced so many new apis that one get boggled by the way applications are getting created in it. they have also drifted away from the traditional way of coding in java which i found quite complex at first glance but as i started getting hang of it i came to a conclusion that they have done it for the better.
Designing UI is what seems to be the biggest challange for all mobile developers till now , and on this front all points goes to the Android. Their XML layout based approach is going to sweep the market like anything.
Switching of displays is also very easy in it as you just have to change the layout and its done.
The look and feel of UI and the way events are handled in it is awesome . Also its going to give IPHONE a run for its money in the way applicaitons come and go. it seems so seemless.
So this was my first feel of Android not much techie just an overview. will be discussing it more in coming days . here are few pics of what i developed.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
kodac moments
I dont know why but now i feel a bit awkward in seeing all these friends which at some instant of life were people with whom i used to spend whole day. may be its the distance and snail mail kind of converstation which we do now. but on the other hand i do get goosebumps also when am seeing these people after ages. i just keep noticing out how they have changed and why they have changed.
This friday was no different. we decided to meet in noida where its getting overcrowded by new shopping complexes and malls which seems to be mushrooming everywhere.
When i started from office i really didnt know what i would be doing there despite the fact that in the friends who were to be there there was to be my hot sis ( i really sometime wish why she has to be my sis, but she is the best i can ask as a sis) disha , my old baddy and many other offline thingies partner(dont get ur mind racing) ankur, and the stupid idiot and good for nothing but still a good friend neeraj. but still was getting perplexed.
finally when i reached there and saw them man i cannot tell u how i wished god why cant we be seing each other more often then that.
i was seeing preeti and saddy after their marriage for first time and do they look great together. i can put a blind bet on it. they both were quite angry with me as i was not able to be on their marriage. then seeing dish has always made me feel good as she is the only person who can be good as sis , understanding as friend, hot as gf, naughty as girl at the same time. ankur as usual was quite aloof as he has become like this after getting into army.
neeraj is a person which is really becoming pain for me and i think for others also. we never expected that he would change to this degree, but as coming from me , i was the pioneer of saying to others that change is the only thing which is consistent. but i still mis that old friend neelu of mine.
we did spent some quality time and call from vandu (she is a kind of friend which one find lucky to have) made it more special.
but what i also noticed that even if we were meeting as old friends we can still discuss the new things over there. for example the ever going issue of neeraj and his to be better half not being ablee to come together issue. or the issue of disha changing job after her degree. And the issue of why ankur has become so aloof and he and we both have to be a bit understanding as now we have different backgrounds and so should not see each other with the pair of eyes with which we see our collegues.
in nutshell that was great time and if one wish can be granted to me i would have wished for my old college days to come back agian.
Atleast at that time i still used to do a bit of bird watch which has become a luxuary now . lol
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
empty minds devil place
i was not doing any productive work coz i was testing what i have developed till far and am not that good tester neither i like testing. Also am of opinion that a chef should never taste and judge the dish which he has cooked. No matter how fair and open minded he happens to be he will get partial to his creation. thats basic nature of human. it sees no fault in himself. It can often led u into quite embarassing situations and something like this i went through.
Also i believe in doing something new everyday. I cant get stuck to one simple routine which also was the reason of my restlessness .
Am also getting the feeling that maybe the place where am working is not quite happy with my work and i fail to understand why when they are not giving me any good work. what ever they haave given me till date i have delivered it and i think i delivered it optimally seeing the situations in which it was delivered. but alas u can never be sure till u get that right from the horses mouth so am waiting for the verdict.
But what i feel quite awkward in last few days was why cant people be sure of what they want from you. And when there are mis communications in between why they loose temper . any way lets not get deep into it coz it will not be that fun and will do no good.
so the crux of all this is i should try to evade my boredom and should start working on something productive. so thats what am trying to do.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
A new day has come
So that means i am starting to have some people wo would be reading my posts and would be making all those assumptions which i talked bout prev. Along with this i also feel like googlers are an identity of their own. this google nation if i may be allowed to say is a very young nation but very soon if it grows at the same pace it will become one of the largest democracy of this world and along with which a democracy where polticians are not corrupt for a change, a democracy which will never bear the costs of polls as there will be none and anyone can be national of this country. Sounds great if US happens to hear this he might stop giving all those allownces to google which he always stops if someone goes even a inch against him(lol).
Anyway but the point which i want to put accross is that google certainly has made a point that to be big and great you dont need to be in good eyes of those who are rich and influential.
And more better would be to become big u might not even need a very big and great idea. Its the small practical things which count. And also u need to have a faith in what you are doing. You really need to be practical to ur toe nail and have to think out ofbox almost all the time.
May be thats the answer to my question which was why people work in startups and why dont they join govt jobs when they are always cribbing about private jobs and the work hours they spent in it.
I myself crib but i know that this is something which i love to do. This is something without which i might not even be ableto live my life.
Anyways , so much for google.........
Am happy for loosing my 5 kilos of extra weiht but doc says i still need to give up 5 more. Lets see if google has any new way to loose weight.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
working in a startup company
so you can imagine the chaos it creates. At the same instant of time you are the lover of the project yo are working on and at that very instant you are the critic also as there are no laid down rules of the good and bad in the startup world. If einstein happens to be reading this blog he would have died again as all his fundas of time and relativety goes down the drain.
But its fun and challenging also. You get to learn a lot of things which you can never imagine in a big league company.
In which company wouldyou happen to see your mentor sitting with you and trying to fix tthe bugs you have created.(trust me 70% of bugs reported by any client are the ones which a developer have created knowingly).
But it do take toll on ur personal life . your family starts treating u as a guest as u only go there to sleep and eat. and if u happen to be a newly wed or have a girlfriend to maintain may lord save u.
sometimes i think why dont we people go for govt jobs where one can sit and rest assured for whole life and can grow a pounch and can maintain it also.
I still dont have answer for it.
so another day starts for me with another routine bug fixing and creating some more in the process
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
what am i supposed to do
Am Prabhakar Sharma going to be 25 this september , born virgo and working as Technical Lead(ya its a big post as the name says but trust me the work is same as of developer) for a new startup but growing software industry.
Last few years of my life have been full of so much turnmoils that i myself dont know which way am i heading to.
I did my schooling from science side with major in computers, finished graduation from Delhi university in Electronics hons. , then went for PG in computers from symbiosis. That in nutshell means 12 + 3 + 2 years of non stop study and no implementation.
Am a kind of person that does not believe in theories until they have not been fully tested by me, may be thats why i took computers coz every thing is so practical here. may be thats the reason why i dint fare well in my electronics hons coz it was full of so much theories, or may be i spent a bit too much time in the badminton court . lol. any ways then i join one of the small company as i graduated from symbiosis and work there like a king . god those were the days. may be they wre paying me thepeanuts or to be specific the rotten peanuts but i was so ull of youth at that time. nothing could have changedthe bang the world attitude in me. at one point of time i even thought buying out the company i was working for.(gee if my prev collegues happen to see this??).
I was working full time side by side i was doing some freelancing work alongwith not to say was trying to clear out my 18 backlog papers which i got as a grace from my course co-ordinator for not following his rub my back policy.
Worked there for around one year and then i headed back to my home sweet home. god did i missed my guys. u bet i sure did. but within few days i got frustated of sitting idel and joined daksh IBM. ya i know the call centre . that was a nice change actually . i got to know the other side of this call centre world and i have really started respecting those guys. they are as much proffessional in their jobs as any one of us.
I again workde there for around 8 months then joined a different company , worked there for 6 months and then landed up here. so as u can see in around 2 years i have changed 3 companies switched two places and not to talk about the profiles i have been working on.
And still i dont know what am i heading for or to be precise want i want from my life.
these were some loose thoughts i thought of jotting down here so that i can keep a track on them.
but as the tongue twister says :
"I thought , I thought a thought. But the thought i thought, was not the thought i thought, i thought."
so this was actually not what i will be talking about here...but for now its bye time